However, judging by the sturdy piece of sheet metal covering the opening of the firebox, we knew there would be a battle ahead to bring it up to snuff.
It took us a while to work up the courage to cut her open, and when we finally decided to bite the bullet we got a little more than we bargained for. A whole lot of bird poop (at least it was an endangered bird's poop) and a chimney fire.
Knowing we were out of our league, we conceded and called in the best--Ash Busters to the rescue.
Here's a list of what they found and what they fixed:
- Broken and missing flue tiles
- Install of a heatshield liner and flue sealant
- Ceramic smoke chamber seal
- Energy efficient damper system
- Crumbling back firebox wall
- Rebuild of firebox masonry
- Repoint and Tuckpoint entire chimney from the roofline up
When all was said and done, we got what we paid for and a little more--quality craftsmanship and the guarantee that if our house burns down, its not our fault! (although I must admit i was a little disappointed that they looked and dressed nothing like Bert and his cohorts from Mary Poppins--boo).
None the less, one step closer to a finished, stylish family room that will be warm and cozy for autumns to come.
Stay tuned...